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The set of engines are powered with a LOX/LH2/LCH4 OR 50-50/N2O4. The set includes two toroidal spikes, based on the J-2T-250K, providing from 1000KN to 1500KN, and 2 to 4 linear spikes, derived from the RS-2200, providing from 2500KN to 3000+KN. Regenerative, film, and radiative engine cooling will be used.

Vectoring is provided by both set of engines in the DragonFly EST©®. The linear areospikes, located at the back of the aircraft, provide vectoring based on their design; while the toroidal ones are vectored, through the use of rotating assemblies called turrets -- for the VTOL version of the DragonFly©®.

Regenerative and radiative cooling is used to address the heat problem, which is inherent in aerospike engines. The design, which joins the nozzle wall and the fuel injectors into a single unit, is used. The whole assembly is redesigned with foamy aluminium magnesium alloy for the sandwich material, and titanium, niobium, molybdenum, and copper alloy.

Toroidal spike J-2T-250K

DragonFly EST©® Space Plane [ 47M length / 43M wing span / 23+ astronauts / 29M cargo bay ]

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